Following the reopening of Newcastle Ocean Baths on 21 December 2023 members of our community expressed opinions on the upgrades via social media and members of Friends of Newcastle Ocean Baths Inc (FONOB Inc) committee were also approached at the pool.
Many of the comments made on social media were concerning safety issues and accidents and we encouraged people on our social media posts to complete a City of Newcastle Customer Request Form to report these issues. However, FONOB Inc decided it was important to also provide another avenue for people to have their say and developed an on-line survey (Feedback on Stage One Redevelopment of Newcastle Ocean Baths).
Our survey was conducted from 5 February 2024 till 31 March 2024. We received a total of 245 responses. We have now collated these responses and would like to make them available to all councillors and administration staff who have played a significant role in the completion of the Stage One redevelopment.
Many comments expressed concern about accessibility issues. FONOB Inc. initially made contact with Cr. Margaret Wood in her role as Chair of the CN Access and Inclusion Advisory Committee. Cr Wood generously agreed to meet our president and secretary at the pool, and as survey responses were received, these were passed on to Cr Wood. We are grateful for Cr Wood for her assistance.
Please find attached 3 documents.
We hope you find these results of value. We look forward to your feedback.